Sunday, August 7, 2011

President Obama's Economic Train Wreck | Jason B. Whitman

President Obama's Economic Train Wreck | Jason B. Whitman

From last year’s Summer of Wreckovery to last night’s news that our sovereign debt would receive a down grade from S&P, this economy has been under Democrat ownership. Even DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has admitted who owns the economy (The problem is she thinks Democrats are making it better).

Just to demonstrate how truly out of touch Democrats are with the current economic realities, here the DNC Chair states that President Obama has turned the economy around:

I found a very interesting graphic on the United States Senate Republican Policy Committee website. This image is an indictment of the President’s utter failure on the economy.

President Obama's Record - Republican Policy Committee

Is it any wonder that our long-term sovereign debt has been downgraded? The Democrat propaganda machine is trying to spin this disaster and pin it on Republicans, but the facts are indisputable. Our only hope to turn this around is to take back the U.S. Senate and the White House in 2012.

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