Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Protest at $10,000 Republican Golf Outing in Wayzata

Protest at $10,000 Republican Golf Outing in Wayzata

Organizers blast pricy outing as inaccessible

Updated: Wednesday, 17 Aug 2011, 7:39 PM CDT
Published : Wednesday, 17 Aug 2011, 10:29 AM CDT
by Jeff Goldberg / FOX 9 News
WAYZATA, Minn. - Hundreds of protesters showed up at a $10,000 per ticket golf outing in Wayzata, Minnesota on Wednesday that featured House Speaker John Boehner and two Minnesota congressmen.
Boehner was joined by Republican congressmen Erik Paulsen and Chip Cravaack. Donors who bought a $10,000 ticket for the golf outing had the opportunity to tee off with the Republican lawmakers at Wayzata Golf Club.
Organizers of the protest say the members of Congress should be spending their recess with common workers and the unemployed, rather than entertaining big-dollar donors on a golf course.
With chants, signs and cardboard cut-outs of Republicans -- even a plane flying a message from above, protestors worked to make their anger known.
A 2005 Golf Digest article said Boehner found time to play 100 or more rounds of golf per year, citing opponents. The article says Boehner belongs to the prestigious Burning Tree club outside of Washington, which costs $75,000 to join and $6,000 in annual dues. The club’s membership is said to have included more than 70 lobbyists over the last decade.

"If someone I've gotten to know on the golf course comes into my office with a good argument, I tend to want to listen," Boehner said.
Mark Ambroe was recently laid off from his book-keeping job at a small business, and he said he joined nearly 200 others to criticize the Republican Party for focusing more on protecting the rich than on creating and preserving jobs.
Yet, Cravaack argues that's what his party is trying to do by loosening the reins on businesses big and small.
"We need to have a more business-friendly environment to create jobs," he said.
According to Republicans like Cravaack, that can only be realized with fewer taxes and less regulation. Cravaack said repeated calls from Democrats -- including President Barack Obama -- to raise new tax revenue to deal with the deficit and debt will only make the unemployment problem worse.
"Show me businesses getting of the ground again," Cravaack said. "Show me that first, and then if you think we still need revenue, I'd be glad to discuss it then."
Many of the protestors, however, took issue with that stance, which has become the hallmark of tea party candidates. When discussing the recent debt ceiling debate, the tea party earned much ire for the roadblock to compromise.
"I think the tea party has hijacked the Republican Party," said one protestor.
Club members at the course said taking a break from their swings was anything but a disruption, with one golfer saying the group's use of free speech rights was "terrific."

NOTE: A previous version of this story included Rep. Michele Bachmann and Rep. John Kline as attendees. Neither were at Wednesday's event.

Read more: Protest at $10,000 Republican Golf Outing in Wayzata

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