Tuesday, September 27, 2011

DO IT NOW DOSSIER: stop attacks, call Bloomberg!


Are NYC Police Protesting Abuse of Occupy Wall Street?

By Kevin Zeese - Posted on 26 September 2011
The report below is important for many reasons, but I found this in particular to be of interest: "Today we received unconfirmed reports that over one hundred blue collar police refused to come into work in solidarity with our movement.These numbers will grow. We are the 99 percent. You will not silence us." This is what happens in non-violent actions, if protesters stay non-violent, some police refuse to participate in the violence against the protesters. It also shows the critical of importance of everyone attending being ready to film from their phone or other equipment.  See  The People Are the Media and our media page. We are all the media and that gives us power.

Officer Bologna

Posted 2011-09-26 07:53:19 UTC by 
Late last night we found out which white collar officer had maced our innocent protesters. We did not release this information as we had not yet come to a consensus on how to approach the situation. Earlier today we discovered that this information had already been released.
Yesterday, an NYPD spokesperson implied that we had edited the video to remove incriminating actions on the part of our peaceful protesters. Here are a few different angles and cuts of the event that we had not previously released:
As you can tell, we did not need to edit the video to implicate this officer in a gross and unconscionable crime.
His name is Antony Bologna. We demand that he is charged for his crimes. We demand that he receives jail time.
We demand that Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly resigns. Not only can he not control his most senior officers, he is involved in actively sheltering them from receiving any punishment.
We demand that Mayor Michael Bloomberg address our General Assembly and apologize for the police brutality and the cover-up that followed.
This was an attempt to make us weak, this was an attempt to destroy or derail our message, our conversation. It has not succeeded. We have grown, we will grow. Today we received unconfirmed reports that over one hundred blue collar police refused to come into work in solidarity with our movement. These numbers will grow. We are the 99 percent. You will not silence us.
Please call:
Mayor Bloomberg: +1 (212) 639-9675 or +1 (212) 788-2958 Deputy Commissioner of Public Information: +1 (646) 610-6700
NYPD Switchboard: +1 (646) 610-5000
First precinct: +1 (212) 334-0611
Make our voice heard. Make sure that the world knows that everyone deserves equal protection, service, and punishment.
Remain true to our principles of non-violence.
UPDATE: 4:51 PM EST Two more videos of Officer Bologna senselessly attacking peaceful protesters.

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