Monday, September 19, 2011

From: Vimeo
Roseanne Barr Speaks to Wall Street Protesters
by Nathan Vickers
17 hours ago
Roseanne Barr surprised protesters at Take Wall Street on Saturday when she showed up to speak about her campaign for president. Sorry for the focus problems early in the video.
LIVE FEED:!/search/%23takewallstreet

Uploaded by  on Sep 19, 2011
Block the censorship, Promote #occupywallstreet
With thousands after pitching tents in response to greed and corruption on wall street, Anonymous and other groups have set up a Tahir Square style revolution and even thou thousands of protesters have gathered the media outlets are blocking the word from getting out.

Lets stop the censorship by promoting the protest.

Live stream :
Twitter : #occupywallstreet #sep17 #takethestreet

United we stand, divided we fall & fuck the system.
Join and Share Please:

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