Thursday, September 8, 2011

Think the US ain't in t-r-o-u-b-l-e? Take a look ..

See, I don't agree w/Mish's analysis sometimes - I am an institutionalIST not a pro market investor.

But he is very good drags out some pretty impressive stats and tables while building his arguments.   I do not agree w/his anti-government worker, right to work bs.  He simply does not care of REAL income goes down for the bulk of people.  He's never truly studied how to decrease fossil fuel dependence either, amongst other things.  You may wish to read his whole article.  Me, I stick w/Michael Hudson and the gang8 crowd.

But here is one of his charts and below his "solutions":


"Twelve Specific Recommendations

  1. Banks and bondholders should take a hit. Banks are not going to lend anyway so bailing them out at the expense of taxpayers is both morally and economically stupid. End the bailouts, all of them, and prosecute fraud, the higher up the better.
  2. Implement serious bank reform now, not 9 years from now. Banks should be banks, not hedge funds. This proposal will necessitate breaking up banks. So be it.
  3. Scrap Davis-Bacon and all prevailing wage laws. Such laws drive up costs and have wreaked havoc on many cities and municipalities, now bankrupt or on the verge of bankruptcy.
  4. Pass national right-to-work laws. Once again, we need to reduce costs on businesses and local governments to spur more hiring and reduce costs.
  5. End collective bargaining rights of all public unions. The goal of unions is to provide the least service for the most money. The goal of government should be to provide the most services for the least money.
  6. Scrap ethanol policy and end all tariffs.
  7. Legalize hemp and tax it. Prison costs will go down, tax revenue will grow, and biofuel and fiber research will expand as hemp produces very soft fibers.
  8. Corporate income tax rates should be lower in the US than abroad. Current policy encourages capital flight and jobs flight via lower tax rates on profits overseas than in the united states. This penalizes businesses that work only in the US, especially small businesses that do not have an army of lawyers and lobbyists.
  9. Stop the wars and set a plan to bring home all US troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, and 140 or so other countries.The US can no longer afford to be the world's policeman.
  10. Implement Paul Ryan's Medicare voucher proposal. It is the only way so far that anyone has proposed that puts much needed consumer "skin-in-the-game" that will reduce medical costs.
  11. Legalize drug imports from Canada
  12. End the Fed and fractional reserve lending. Both have led to boom-bust cycles of ever-increasing amplitude.
Those are the kinds of things we need to do, not throw more money at problems. The latter does nothing but drive up national debt and interest on the national debt for short-term gratification."

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