Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Because I Can: Ben Nelson (NE) is NOT a Democrat - He's ALEC

Because I Can: Ben Nelson (NE) is NOT a Democrat - He's ALEC

Everyone this morning is talking about how Ben Nelson didn't vote for the jobs bill.

Wake up people - the corporations own him! Get over your pissing and moaning - he's a Democrat in name only - philosophically he belongs to the American Legislative Exchange Council party.

He was previously affiliated with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
He was a winner of the most prestigious award ALEC gives - the Thomas Jefferson Freedom award.

Other winners of this prestigious award include: Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney - just to name a few.

[Pages 159-161

(Population 2000, 1,711,263)

BEN NELSON, Democrat, of Omaha, NE; born in McCook, NE, May 17,
1941; education: B.A., 1963, M.A., 1965, J.D., 1970, University of
Nebraska, Lincoln, NE; honorary degrees, Creighton University, 1992;
Peru State College, 1993; College of Saint Mary, 1995; Midland Lutheran
College, 1998; Dana College, 1999; professional: attorney; Director,
Nebraska Department of Insurance; President and CEO of the Central
National Insurance Group; Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff of
the National Association of Insurance Commissioners; Kennedy, Holland,
DeLacy, and Svoboda (law firm); Governor of Nebraska, 1991-99; awards:
American Legislative Exchange Council, Thomas Jefferson Freedom Award

In 2006 ALEC did this press release applauding Nelson and Inhofe
WASHINGTON, July 11 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The American Legislative Exchange Council, the nation's largest nonpartisan membership association of state legislators, today supports Senators' James Inhofe (R-OK) and Ben Nelson's (D-NE) Protection Against United Nations Taxation Act of 2006.
(Inhofe is confirmed ALEC ALUMNI)

In 1995 he was a keynote speaker at an ALEC event
The Free Lance Star – Fredricksburg, VA May 19, 1995
Meeting is Summit on State’s Rights
By Larry O’Dell, Associated Press Writer
RICHMOND – About 325 people, including lawmakers from about 40 states, have convened in Richmond for the American Legislative Exchange Council’s national summit on state sovereignty.
Gov. George Allen, a Republican who has appointed a Virginia task force to study ways to transfer more power from the federal government to the states, will be the keynote speaker at a luncheon today.
Other weekend speakers will include Govs. Fife Symington of Arizona, Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Michael Leavitt of Utah.

ALEC members and those affiliated with ALEC in any manner

Without state and federal legislators ALEC will cease to exist and it will implode.

For more information on ALEC –
Please read this or this or this

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