Monday, October 17, 2011

DO IT NOW DOSSIER: BanksterUSA -- A Project of the Center for Media and Democracy

BanksterUSA -- A Project of the Center for Media and Democracy

No Cuts. Tax Wall Street.

We know where the money is. Tell Congress its time for Wall Street to start
Paying US Back! A tiny tax on financial services can generate billions of dollars.


Dear Congressmember:

The deficit issue that we face today was in large part created by the world financial crisis,
a crisis caused by Wall Street speculation. Now it’s time to call upon Wall Street to start
paying its fair share to help us out of the hole they dug.

A small tax on financial market transactions has the potential to raise significant revenue and simultaneously limit reckless short-term speculation that can threaten financial stability. We are writing to ask you to support such a tax, and to request that it be part of any new budget plan.

Financial transaction taxes have a long track record both in the United States and globally. The United States had a transfer tax from 1914 to 1966. The UK levies a transaction tax on stock transfers and has done so for many years. The European Union is on the verge of approving a small transaction tax, including ten cents per $100 on stock transactions. The tiny transaction tax they are working on is estimated to raise over $70 billion annually. A similar transaction tax in the United States would raise even more money, as our financial markets are larger.

We join over 1,000 economists who recently signed an open letter advocating a financial speculation tax as "technically feasible" and "morally right."

It’s time to ask Wall Street to do more.

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