Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Full Circle: Boston Police Side With Tories, Attack American Veterans

Full Circle: Boston Police Side With Tories, Attack American Veterans

photo by Paul Weiskel.

In the state that many consider to be the birthplace of the American Revolution, Boston police officers attacked the encampment of peaceful occupyboston protesters early Tuesday morning and arrested members of Veterans for Peace while the vets shouted “We are American veterans! We are American veterans!”

Over a hundred others were arrested during the overnight raid. Police also quickly evicted hundreds more additional protesters from the public space they were occupying, including some credentialed media attempting to film the arrests.

The personal belongings of the campers, including tents, sleeping bags, clothing, food, and other supplies were stuffed into waiting city garbage trucks.

Union police and union sanitation workers doing the bidding of the Torie rich, violating the constitutional rights of peaceful American citizens fighting for the rights of working people like police officers and sanitation workers. Who would have predicted this, in Boston no less?

Message to Boston police: They will turn on you as soon as they’re done stealing from the rest of us.

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