Sunday, October 23, 2011

Gov. speaks on likelihood of stadium in Arden Hills | Minnesota Public Radio News

Gov. speaks on likelihood of stadium in Arden Hills | Minnesota Public Radio News

Update on how the rich want MN to go. Well, I beg to differ. Build sustainable social housing, NOT stadiums. Help me fight back in November 5. It is DISGUSTING what is going on w/graft, lobbying, corruption, thievery by declaring properties they want by condemning Rice Street properties. Problem REALLY is that the backroom deals have already been done and we don't even know what they are. SHELTER NOT STADIUMS. End corporate theivery and socialISM for the rich .

Dayton forgets - he is using OUR money.

Never, ever vote for a CAT. The ruling elite stick together - and they don't care if you lose your home, starve or go without medical care.
But the catz - they must have their toys and play spaces, eh?

Arden Hills

by Rupa Shenoy, Minnesota Public Radio
October 22, 2011

St. Paul, Minn. — The Minnesota Vikings have a right to locate a stadium in Arden Hills, despite calls for the team to build on the site of the downtown Minneapolis Farmers Market, Gov. Mark Dayton said.

A Minneapolis developer says nine of 15 property owners in the area are interested in selling to help create a site for the new stadium, according to The Minneapolis Star Tribune.

Dayton spoke about the proposal Saturday morning at the governor's mansion in St. Paul, Minn.

"The position of the Vikings is that they're not interested in anything other than Arden Hills," Dayton said. "Somebody who's putting $4-to-500 million has a legitimate say in where they put their money."

Dayton is having several meetings with legislative leaders to discuss ways to fund the stadium. He expects to release his plan for a new Vikings stadium by the second week of November, and will call a special session to pass the stadium financing plan into law.

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