Saturday, October 29, 2011

Iraq Veterans Against the War | You are not alone

Iraq Veterans Against the War | You are not alone

Update 10/27 9pm EST: According to sources Scott Olsen is awake and able to write, but cannot speak. Due to conflicting reports we are unsure whether doctors confirmed he does not need brain surgery or if they are "optimistic" that he does not need brain surgery.

Make a contribution to support Scott's full recovery below.

Donate to Scott Olsen Fund

UPDATE: Call for nation wide vigils for Scott Olsen

  • Chicago, IL
  • San Marcos, TX
  • Tampa, FL
  • NYC
  • Austin, TX
  • Richmond, VA
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Santa Cruz, CA
  • San Francisco, CA
  • Seattle, WA

Make a contribution to support Scott's full recovery below.

Donate to Scott Olsen Fund

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