Tuesday, October 25, 2011

MN Peoples' Assembly Take Your Money Outta the Bank!

MN Peoples' Assembly 

Take Your Money Outta the Bank!

Saturday, November 5 · 9:30am - 12:30pm

MN State Capitol

Downtown Saint Paul
75 Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., 
Directions: North of downtown St. Paul, accessible from I-94 and I-35E.
Saint Paul, MN

Wells Fargo, Clean up Your Act!

(Bring mops, brooms, buckets, sponges, noisemakers!)

Donations will be taken to buy toys for homeless children, please contribute. 

Money will be accounted.

Assembly 9:30 - Floyd B. Olson statue

Rally 10:00 - The People speak!

We don't want a stadium.  Shelter Not a Stadium!

We want coop housing for the homeless!
We want an end to endless student debt!
We want money outta politics!
End foreclosures! Jail the crooked bank$t4er$
Stop the bank fees ripoff!

Quit funding companies that spoil our planet!
The poor contribute to our society, 

stop the demonization!
Don't let one child or adult freeze outside this winter!

30 speeches, 2-minutes each and THEN ...


Dorothy Day Center/Listening House/Mary Hall
Where people sleep in the rough every night as there are NOT enough beds. Let's speak to our poorest citizens (the MN Legislature doesn't!)

March to Wells Fargo, Saint Paul 

Wells Fargo! Clean up your act!

Demand that John Stumpf use his EXCE$$IVE executive compensation, paid by his tax evading bank give #MNpeoplesassembly $1 million dollars (chump change to HIM) to do the feasibility study to remodel the old Ramsey County jail as a shelter. We also want a center to come up with SUSTAINABLE cooperative social housing pronto! 
See www.takethesquare.net

Stumpf gave Habitat Saint Paul $1mm - 

People will be urged to put their money in credit unions AND establish a state bank. (WWW.WEBOFDEBT.ORG)  

http://www.seiu.org/a/profilewells.php - 
profile of Wells Fargo


March to Pioneer Press, and past MPR

We demand that all media in MN cover the real #occupy issues - including our calls for economic democracy and moneyouttapolitics.org / www.movetoamend.org

Stories from victims of the corporate GREED systems victims will be presented to them as well The Peoples' solutions! Media, clean up your acts!

Move your money and then!!

At 4:30 pm we to the Capitol South Lawn to hold a MN Peoples' Assembly

We will discuss General Assembly rules AND our proposals for economic democracy and Next Steps to get economic predators to clean up their acts!

How about YOU, Mark Dayton? 
Care about our homeless crisis? 

And the 6 billionaire$ in the state of MN - 
how about YOU?

If you do, contribute to remodel the old jail to accommodate the homeless NOW and develop sustainable cooperative housing.  
Give homeless children some toys, too!

#USDORMN            #MNPeoples                  #5NovMN

DORMN@gmail.com               USuncutMN#gmail.com


Daily #occupy newspaper, US Days of Rage Minnesota Daily: http://www.paper.li/USuncutMN/1312728764

Coming Soon: Minnesota People's Mic on blogtalk radio. One citizen, one vote, one dollar!

FOR MORE INFO: http://facebook.com/nov.fifth

Together we can ensure that these banking institutions will ALWAYS remember the 5th of November!! 
If the 99% removes our funds from the major banking institutions to non-profit credit unions on or by this date, we will send a clear message to the 1% that conscious consumers won't support companies with unethical business practices.

• Research your local credit union options
• Open an account with the one that best suits your needs
• Cancel all automatic withdrawals & deposits
• Transfer your funds to the new account
• Follow your bank's procedures to close your account before 11/05

USA: http://www.findacreditunion.com/
 To help out or donate, call 612 492 1411 

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