Monday, October 17, 2011

Murdoch heckled by Occupy protesters – This Just In - Blogs

Murdoch heckled by Occupy protesters – This Just In - Blogs

Murdoch heckled by Occupy protesters

October 15th, 2011
06:38 PM ET

News Corp.’s Rupert Murdoch was repeatedly interrupted by hecklers while delivering the keynote address at the National Summit on Education in San Francisco on Friday, CNN affiliate KGO reported.

"Resist corporate domination of public education!" one heckler said, according to KGO.

Video of the event shows others in attendance cheering as the protesters were removed.

KGO reported that the activists are a part of US Uncut, a group against cuts to public services. The group claims Murdoch is trying to make money from public education.

The interruptions came shortly after Murdoch said, “"We need to tear down an education system designed for the 19th century and replace it with one suited for the 21st," KGO reported.

Murdoch has been an object of scorn since revelations surfaced in July that journalists working for the News of the World had hacked into the cell phone of a missing girl, deleting some of her messages to make room for more. The deletion of messages gave 13-year-old Milly Dowler's family hope that she was still alive when she was already dead.

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