Monday, October 10, 2011

Saint Paul important event WEDNESDAY!!! Come!!

Cerenity Care Center near 7th and Arcade, St Paul, MN
Wednesday, 12 Oct 2011, 3:00 PM
This is a public rally to build public awareness around corporate and public policy decisions to close nursing homes. Every time a home closes, the residents who called it "home" are being evicted! We need to stop the cuts to nursing home jobs and public funding for critical services our seniors deserve!

Message from host: Cerenity Care Centers have just announced the closings of two nursing homes vital to their communities - Dellwood Place on the east side of St Paul and Bethesda HE Cerenity Care in South St Paul. Big business decisions and policy makes need to be accountable for their life-changing decisions! Many seniors do not long survive such traumatic changes in their lives and this is a real JOBS CUTS issue for all of the caregivers and staff who are losing their jobs and losing their American Dream!

Status: Public, open for RSVP, 21 attendees (max. 300)

    753 7th St East (Map)
    St Paul, MN 55106

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