Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Message to All Police Officers From A Former LAPD Officer and Occupy Wall Street Supporter

A Message to All Police Officers From A Former LAPD Officer and Occupy Wall Street Supporter November 6, 2011 in OccupyTogether, Police Brutality, Santa Rosa, Video By Michael Ruppert, As a former LAPD officer, I created this video to address those police officers — and their leadership — who have been in violent and brutal attacks at some of the Occupy Wall Street protest camps in the U.S. and around the world. As Sergeant Shamar Thomas made so clear in New York, there are honorable examples from both military and police who can say, “I saw what you did and that was not honorable.” In a world where examples of honorable political leadership are hard to find, it remains for the many veterans who have served with honor to hold up the light and say this is wrong. Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, “Men, in order to do evil, must first believe that what they are doing is good.” I made this video to state the obvious. There is never any honor in attacking unarmed civilians, and somebody needed to say that.

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