Wednesday, November 16, 2011

NEW Economy link!

What Is the New Economy?

The New Economy is an emerging system of values, practices, institutions, policies and laws that support an economy designed to maximize current well being and social justice without sacrficing the natural world or the resources available to future generations.

Although there is no blueprint for the new economy, if you want to explore key ideas of  visionary thinkers and organizations, please read: Neva Goodwin, Allen White and Richard Rosen, eds., Core Principles for a New Economy , Gus Speth, Toward a New Economy and a New Politics, David Korten, Seven Steps for Action toward a New Economy,  The Tellus Institute, The Great Transition, and from the new economics foundation, another version of the The Great Transition. We also encourage you to explore NEN’s Resource pages and the websites of our member organizations.


News from the New Economy Movement


Our Mission

The mission of the New Economy Network (NEN) is to support a transition to a new economy where the priority is to sustain people and the planet, social justice and cohesion are prized, and peace, communities, democracy and nature all flourish.

The New Economy Network newsletter is intended to inform NEN members about new developments in the field of just and sustaining economics. Newsletter content is organized into the five main fields of work linked under NEN’s mission: Sustainable Community Development; Economic Policy; Environment and Energy; Social Justice and Civil Rights; and Democracy and Corporate Accountability. In keeping with our charter, we will try to lead each category with a success story each month.
NEN is a collaborative enterprise and your input is important. We want to share news and stories that you care about. We want to help you reach new audiences.  Please forward reports about your own work or links to good research, articles, video, events, campaigns and announcements to We can’t promise to publish everything we receive, but we will read it all. We welcome creative content and fresh communication strategies. NEN is especially interested in the following topics:
  • Market transformation
  • The corporation, new business models
  • Social justice and equity
  • Economic growth
  • Beyond GDP, indicators
  • Consumerism, materialism
  • Sustainable communities, local living economies
  • Change in values, culture shift
  • Strong democracy, political reform
  • U.S. and the world. Peace economy.

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