Monday, November 7, 2011

A Report from Freedom Plaza> Occupy DC

A Report from Freedom Plaza> Occupy DC

We have now passed our first month on Freedom Plaza!

The first week of our second month is filled with great activities. Please join us!

On Tuesday afternoon at 3:00 Ben and Jerry’s is bringing ice cream.  That night, Andy Shallal of Bus Boys and Poets will serve dinner to celebrate our first month on the Plaza.  We’ll have discussions about the month and where we go from here.

On Wednesday we are having our own “Occupied Super Committee Hearing for the 99%” to contrast the congressional super committee that is preparing a deficit-cutting report for the 1% at the expense of the 99%.   One week after the hearing we’ll issue our own report which will put the interests of the people before the corporatists and militarists.  The “Occupied Hearing” begins at 11:00 AM – you are welcome to attend. The event will be live streamed on

Thursday is Environmental Protection Agency day – Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, an EPA whistle blower who wrote “No Fear: A Whistleblower’s Triumph Over Corruption and Retaliation at the EPA ,” and John Grant, another EPA whistleblower, will be on Freedom Plaza.  They will speak at a rally at noon and then we will march across the street to the EPA to protest. Ms. Coleman-Adebayo has a petition asking Obama and EPA administrator Lisa Jackson to reverse their position on the Clean Air Act. Sign here.

On Friday, Veterans’ Day, stop by Freedom Plaza to speak with veterans who are occupying and for a donation you will receive a copy of “The Bonus March” by Georgia Lowe.

On Sunday, at 11:30 am we will have a forum on alternatives to commercial banking, specifically a discussion of time banks and local currencies.  Then at 2:00 pm, Rev. Grayland Hagler of Plymouth Congressional Church will visit us and his congregation will bring pie and coffee to Freedom Plaza.

If you aren’t in Washington, you can watch some of these events through the ustream channel on the website and you can organize solidarity events where you are. Please share your news with us for our weekly, “The Occupied Washington Post,” at

We’re looking ahead to Winter.  We’d love your involvement.  Come join us!

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