Saturday, November 12, 2011

Report: Gov. Dayton may call vote for child care union

By Joe Kimball | Published Fri, Nov 11 2011 1:27 pm
The conservative Freedom Foundation of Minnesota is reporting that Gov. Mark Dayton is close to calling a vote of child care providers in the state to determine if they want to join a union.
The governor met with opponents of the plan Thursday night, and the foundation, quoting some of those who attended the meeting, says the word is that Dayton "is on the verge of issuing an executive order calling for a vote on the controversial plan."
The opponents said they are worried that the vote will involve only the 25 percent of providers who care for children who receive public subsidies, but the issues involved could affect all of the state's 11,000 licensed providers.
Supporters, backed by AFSCME and the SEIU unions, say unionization will provide health care providers with "better access to training, more say on rules and regulations, system improvements for fairness and consistency across the state, access to affordable health care, business services, improving subsidy reimbursement programs, increasing overall professionalism for our field and supporting our ability to provide high quality child care."
In some other states, governors have issued executive orders recognizing unions as bargaining agents; Dayton has said he won't do that,  but has said he would consider authorizing the vote, the Star Tribune said.

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