Thursday, November 10, 2011

Minnesotans For A Fair Economy

What happens to an American dream deferred? We Minnesotans don't have to look far to answer that question.
Minnesota has one of the worst racial job gaps in the country--with 22% of African Americans unemployed.
A report from Transportation for America found 1,149 of Minnesota’s bridges, 8.8% of bridges in our state, are structurally deficient. On average, more than 83,000 Minnesotans use these unsound bridges daily.

On November 17, we'll rally and march to demand that we bridge the gap in jobs and infrastructure.  RSVP here to join us.
We'll be gathering outside of the U of M Law School and marching to the 10th Avenue Bridge to demand that we get all people back to work by fixing our crumbling infrastructure.
RSVP here to join us--and to ask your friends to come with us.
Like bridge and road repairs, our dreams have been deferred too long. We need good jobs for all. Let’s pay for them by getting Wall St. and the wealthy to pay their fair share. Our families from all walks of life need livable GOOD jobs.
Bridge the Gap for Jobs and Racial Equity March and Rally.
Thursday, November 17, 4:00-5:00 pm.
10th Avenue Bridge, Minneapolis
Gather outside the University of Minnesota/Mondale Law School at 19th Ave & Washington Ave S.
We are marching to close the jobs gap; win racial equity in contracting and hiring; make Wall Street and the wealthiest pay their share; and create good jobs for all—now!
I'll see you in the streets! 
Donna Cassutt
Minnesotans for a Fair Economy

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