Sunday, December 18, 2011

Moinique fights back to SAVE HER HOME

  • Help Monique White Save Her Home

    November 08, 2011
    Monique says:
    “It got cold in here one night. The next morning I called the gas company to have them light my furnace. The billing department told me that Century 21 (the real estate agency) had called them and told them they'd be the realtors for the house.” So White called U.S. Bank and found out that as of January 26, 2011 her house was sold. “I didn't find out until October 24,” White said, “I just feel betrayed. I feel like US Bank strung me along until the redemption period ran out and then they stole my house out from under me.”
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    Help Monique to save her HOME and become a foreclosure SURVIVOR.
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