Monday, April 23, 2012

MN 4 a Fair Economy virtual march on Wells Fargo

We’re proud of our delegation from Minnesota traveling to San Francisco to attend the Wells Fargo shareholders meeting on Tuesday, April 24. As part of the 99% Spring, they will be joining concerned citizens from throughout the country calling on the bank to pay its fair share and to stop hurting our communities by lobbying for the interests of the 1%.
Check out some of our friends and neighbors who are making the trip, listed below.
Here in Minnesota, we’ll stand in solidarity with those traveling west by holding a virtual march on Wells Fargo.
1. If you use Twitter, join other Minnesotans in sending messages to @WellsFargo throughout the day.  A few sample tweets are provided below. We’ll be using the hashtag #99WFMarch all day long on Tuesday.
2. Follow @MNFairEconomy and retweet us through the day.
Sample tweets:
Wells Fargo owes the 99% $22 billion. Pay your fair share, @WellsFargo. #99WFMarch #MNFairEconomy
Wells Fargo leads the nation in foreclosures. @WellsFargo, make things right and create a fair economy for all of us. #99WFMarch
@WellsFargo supports politicians that work for the interests of the 1%. The 99% needs a voice in our economy too. #99WFMarch
Payday loans create huge profits for @WellsFargo and huge hardships for Minnesota families. It’s time for that to change. #99WFMarch
1. Visit Wells Fargo’s official Facebook page, and send a message on behalf of the 99%. Sample posts can be found below. Include the hashtag #99WFMarch at the end of your post.
2. Watch the feed throughout the day and “like” posts by other Minnesotans.
Sample Facebook posts:
Today, Wells Fargo shareholders are meeting in San Francisco. We, as community shareholders in Minnesota remain concerned about the effect of your bank’s policies on our communities. It’s time to build a fair economy for all of us. #99WFMarch
Your bank leads the nation in foreclosures, creating a crisis for our families. Today, we the 99% stand up for our neighbors and our communities. It’s time to make things right. #99WFMarch
A crisis continues to face the Somali community in Minnesota. As famine and violence continue to ravage the East African country, Somali Minnesotans are unable to send needed funds to their families back home. This is a lifeline that needs to be restored today. Your bank has the opportunity to stand up and take a leadership position and hasn’t. Each day this crisis continues, more and more families are placed at risk. #99WFMarch
Your bank offers payday loans with an APR of up to 274%. While these loans make huge profits for Wells Fargo, they also create incredible hardships for families. As a community shareholder, I ask that you stop these predatory practices. #99WFMarch

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