Friday, May 18, 2012

RoseAnn DeMoro on the Robin Hood Tax

RoseAnn DeMoro on the Robin Hood Tax | Moyers & Company |

RoseAnn DeMoro on the Robin Hood Tax

May 11, 2012
Bill talks to RoseAnn DeMoro, who heads the largest registered nurses union in the country, and will lead a Chicago march protesting economic inequality on May 18. DeMoro is championing the Robin Hood Tax, a small government levy the financial sector would pay on commercial transactions like stocks and bonds. The money generated, which some estimate could be as much as $350 billion annually, could be used for social programs and job creation — ultimately to people who, without a doubt, need it more than the banks do.
DeMoro and her organization, National Nurses United, have an inspiring history of defeating some of the toughest opponents in government and politics.

‎[The National Nurses United protest fires up Daley Plaza. — Zbigniew Bzdak, Chicago Tribune, May 18, 2012]

The first of two major NATO weekend rallies in Chicago is getting under way Friday, May 18 at Daley Plaza as a crowd gather in support of a plan to make Wall Street provide more money for health, education and social service programs.

National Nurses United organizers have said that they expect about 2,000 people to attend the rally, where they will call for a so-called Robin Hood tax in financial institutions' transactions in order to offset cuts in health care and social services. City officials estimate the crowds including Occupy Chicago could swell to nearly three times that group's projected turnout, in part because of a performance by former Rage Against the Machine guitarist Tom Morello, an Occupy activist who has been at the movement's forefront.

For more see:,0,1350771.story

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