Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Open challenge to Tom Tom Emmer. Go for it Tom!

I challenge Tom Emmer to debate - in a large public place of his choosing - on topics he raises in his "rant" against Carl Gibson and myself, ASAP.  How 'bout the Saint Paul Hotel ballroom, Tom, where people can come and watch and listen and decide for themselves who is "on the right page" and who is not.  Bring your guests, I'll try to provide a few, too.  Oh, I had a better idea - how about at Keys Restaurant! Man that would be fun.  I don't think too many waiters and waitresses are too thrilled to see you, but we can work around that.

is certainly welcome (and hard to come by I've noticed) BUT I am just poor poor poor and would like to point that out to people. You have maligned my friends and shown a lack of courtesy to visitors to our state publically.  Give me a chance to counter your "charges" .  I love to talk about budgets:  Let's talk about mine.

We can discuss anarchism, we can discuss why I worked for Mark Dayton's election, we can discuss why we bullhorn right wingers and have many many choice chants to use to wake people up that the right wingers are attempting to hijack our State. The Koch brothers are here, Tom. Would you like to talk about it with an audience?  Or do you just like to sling mud and be "entertaining" for your "fans" and sockpuppets?

We can "discuss" the 36,000 plus reasons to Stop the State SHUTDOWN and why the budget stalemate is a symptom, not the cause.

We can talk about cognitive dissonance, grief, trauma, homelessness, despair, loss of hope, hunger, enslavement -  and then about the five-star dinners your friends enjoy.  My friends go to food banks, just like me.

I will debate you, Tom - and I will ask you how you feel about the 36,000 retirements and "furloughs" while plenty of Legislators are accepting their pay checks and health benefits.  This while many State employees enter STARVATION level incomes.  They wonder how to feed their kids this summer while they are home from school.  You know, basic stuff.  Food, shelter, clothing - a need to have lives with stimulation.  Lives that are now seeing the reality of austerity.

I will ask you to explain the sense of sending hundreds (12,000) to nursing homes at the cost of $60,000 per year (do you and your friends have investments in them?) when helping them live independently only costs $15,000 per year to the taxpayer.

I will challenge you, Tom Emmer, to tell me just how many Republican legislators in this state belong to the American Legislative Exchange Council and/or swore oaths to Grover Norquist while trying to GUT protections for vulnerable children - and fail teenagers who have been beaten by their dysfunctional families. These are runaways who have no shelter accomodations despite years of attempts by concerned citizens to achieve that simple goal.  The state is failing our young, isn't it, Tom Emmer ?

And you worry about bullhorns?  When everything including prisons are up for the grab of privatization, the perpetual money machines for your PAC people?

I will ask why my friend who is disabled cannot work as an accountant any more because he has not enough PCA help was a "reform" of a "bad" system.

I want to debate you about dog whistle politics, bafflegab, greediness, sourness, lack of compassion and honest shame as well as the robotronics so evident in our MN GOP led by Tony Sutton.

I want to know why the closure of 77 State Parks doesn't bother you - and all the loss of tourist dollars is less important than discussing my friends - friends who stay with me in a State housing grant financed apartment I am about to lose.

I want to know, Tom, why it is that the MN Chamber of Commerce did not complain long and loud about the cutting of the LGA grants and why you kept your mouth shut about it.  Do police, firemen, snow removal, and other "amenities" of Main Street mean less than the allegiance to reckless Wall Street in your playbook of politics?

I want to know why the St. Paul police sent in thousands of dollar$ worth of cops, bicycles, squad cars to cover a demonstration of 35 people in 100 degree heat who merely wanted to say:  "Tax the rich!  Help the needy" and "Money Outta Politics" and "End Corporate Tyranny!"  Maybe you have some forceful ideas about public unsafety.  [pun intended]

Why are YOU allowing the looney right to say GAWDAWFUL things about Mark Dayton, make up websites in other states spouting lies about US Uncut - and then taking them down? Why do you allow YOUR followers to call for the impeachment/recall of Mark Dayton when your party has gravenly, with malice aforethought and nonfeasance RUINED our state for GOD KNOWS how long?

How do you feel about US Uncut MN calling for the recall of ALL GOP legislators?

Wanna have a verbal rumble, Tom?  Wanna get it down on the record? Wanna have it help me get US Uncut and US Uncut Minnesota on the national media where you say it belongs?

Then, hey, Tom!  Take the bait - let's go for the gold here on the press circuit.  I am ready.  I am willing.  I am CHARGED and on fire !  I am sick to death of being treated like a second-class citizen in my own home state. I don't appreciate my friends who come to visit me being chastised in print.  It's a RIGHT for them to come here and express their right to free speech and freedom of assembly - or don't you know that?

We can discuss what is wrong in MN in the media, the indifference of the left and the unions here to promote unity, the mealy agenda of the professional poverty industry lackies who aren't losing their Saabs and Volvos - but spoke for the victims of cuts while the true victims were left UNHEARD.  Tom. Tom.  I beg you to understand why Carl and I give them bullhorns to  be heard above the deafening silence of their plight. The supposed advocates saying:  "We should settle for no new taxes as it's "politically astute."  I keep wondering who "we" is. Sigh.

We can discuss what sane, responsible moderates might do to understand what is going on this State, eh?

We can discuss what cognitive dissonance is, what red herrings are and why you get paid to write drivel and innuendo when you can so easily give me a ring.  My number and email address appears on the lit "SOMEONE" gave you.  Give me a call.  Let's set a date, time, place.  We can elucidate the why, the who, the where, the how, the why.  Would you like "my people" to call "your people" ???

Wanna know where I get my money to promote events, Tom?  Do you want to know if  I ever met George Soros?

I'll bet I can answer your most intriguing questions, Tom.  Let's give it a shot !!

Here's to a MN handy dandy spectacle for the citizen's benefit.

Kiss, kiss, hug, hug.

Virginia Simson, Uncutter Deluxe (who has never ever been an anarchist of any kind)

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