Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Emmer: Who Is "US Uncut" & Why Isn't The Main Stream Media Interested?


Take a look at these documents that I received them from a friend. More proof of how our local news media fail to serve us . . . It starts with a couple "harmless photos" from the Star Tribune photo essay on the day of the shutdown.
One of the photos introduces us to Carl Gibson. Carl likes to travel with a bull horn from Mississippi - in fact the photo says Carl is "just visiting from Mississippi".
Where are the probing questions for Carl from the Reporters? For instance, at a minimum why didn't they ask: "Who are you? Why the bull horn? What group? Who funds your group...? Nope, none of these questions mattered because . . . he's just visiting...
Turns out -if our inquiring media had bothered to check they would have learned that - Carl has started an Anarchist group modeled after a similar group in England Called UK Uncut. His group is US Uncut. He is the co-founder, organizer, and spokesman for the organization. There are now 20 state chapters across the country since they founded it in 2011 to push that Corporate tax cheats should pay up.
Our media, had they bothered to look, easily could have found several rallies in California against Bank of America by US Uncut that were sponsored by Democracy in Action which has ties to George Soros; but I guess that's not news. There is also another story which says that Carl has with the US Uncut organization reached out to the SEIU Service Employee International Union to partner with them.
(blog on Minnesota US Uncut shutdown rally)
US Uncut website:
Check out this June rally US Uncut participated in Chicago blog entry from June:
Chicago had to have 200 police officers at this rally for protection of property/safety.

Read more: http://www.ktlkfm.com/pages/davisandemmer.html?article=8789034#ixzz1RIro6aRW


  • Virginia Simson · Brown Institute
    Welcome to the real world, folks. Where those who are morally outraged by 2/3 of corporations NOT PAYING TAXES while you do, makes us outraged. Where we are smart enough to realize that military spending and TARP bailouts do not help the United States and we get up and complain about it long and loud.

    While the Republicans, closet neocons in the Democratic Party and others bicker about which sector of the United States population will have to do without, so you can build MORE bombs, fight more wars, bail out more banks and reckless investors and flex your arrogant, flaccid muscles - while the rest of us will try to find jobs, try to keep our homes, pay over $4.00 for gas and skip lunch, praying we do not get sick.

    We wonder why laws made by the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC - give it a google) and "positions" taken...See More
  • Virginia Simson · Brown Institute
    Hey, Tom, I've done pretty well to make an "enemy" of you. Want to debate? I would SO love that.

    BTW, ever watch a video on youtube called The Empathic Civilization? If not, I strongly suggest it to you and any buddies you have in ALEC. Since YOU are the media, why not find out how many COPS, alphabet soupers, squad cars, hours in meetings at taxpayer expense it cost to watch us "anarchists" (hahahaha) who paraded through downtown Saint Paul on Thursday? Why not ask the Mayor, which is what I told bystanders who were appalled at St. Paul trying to reconstruct the RNC here..
    I am sure you have my phone number already, but in case you need it again to have a little schmooze on the air - call googlevoice 612 236 8469. We'll have a little verbal rumble, eh?
    There are 36,000 reasons to STOP a State shutdown.. and I'd like to discuss ALL of them w/you.
    • Jeanette Eastman
      I like what Virginia said, NOT TOM EMMER! "Pap" talked about ALEC on Ring of Fire over the weekend.
    • Tom Baxter ·  Top Commenter · Reference Librarian at State of Florida
      I read this on my wall and asked myself: Which Virgina is this? and What did I do to piss her off? I then realized she was using my name to refer to someone else.
    • Deborah Pflepsen · 47 years old
      How is things going is everyone still meeting at the state capital today at 430pm just would like to know well i am trying but if i dont understand why i keep thinking life is fine when children handicaps unions child care just dislike them being hurt because rich to paid they own taxes now stop playing with others life amen
  • Johnny Winderphern · Boss at Callahan Auto Parts
    "...an Anarchist group..."
    "...founded it in 2011 to push that Corporate tax cheats should pay up."

    Wouldn't an Anarchist group push for no taxes at all, as taxes are a part of GOVERNMENT?
    • Johnny Winderphern · Boss at Callahan Auto Parts
      Also, would a representative from said anarchist group be protesting a GOVERNMENT shutdown?
      • Anthony Charoensook · Friends with Carl R. Gibson
        Wow Fox News really does hire morons...

      • Lance J. Gosnell · Madison, Wisconsin
        Ignoring that you call US Uncut an anarchist organization, I do agree with you the media has forgotten its role as a public service. Instead it has become one of the largest tools of the government and corporatiions to sidetrack the people from the truth. Small town news stories are blown up into national stores because of the potentional ad revenue. Also, on a occasions that news story about the calories found in that new burger is sometimes nothing more than a product placed ad. Maybe instead of buying into the rhetoric that suggest there are anarchist in the midst how about focusing on why haven't the banks and other corporations which got tarp money repaid it or used it to expand their operations thus putting American's back to work?
        • Bruce Boyce
          And its okay for tea party groups to be funded by Freedom Works and republican politicians such as Scott Walker funded by the Koch Bros?
        • Nikki Tavi Gilman · 39 years old
          Har har har! You are so funny with this article! I'm a proud member of US Uncut, and sorry, but I'm not an anarchist, nor am I a devil. I'm just a college student, full time auto mechanic, mother of two, wife of an engineer, homemaker, and drag racer...need to know anything else about our members. We would be more than happy to let you in on our 'secret' life...IF YOU STOP SPOUTING BULLSHIT AND CALLING IT NEWS! What are you? An idiot? Judas, where do they get these people? And where in the hell do they come up with this crap? Sorry honey, but you are out of line with this article. Go blow smoke around those who are unwilling to be educated - you'll get a better response there. C'ya! ;)
        • Brenda Church · Friends with Nancy Lloyd
          I'm glad they are getting attention! I pay taxes why doesn't GE or Bank of America?
        • Brenda Church · Friends with Nancy Lloyd
          No Fox story can be published without Soros being mentioned.

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